Thursday, May 8, 2008

P90X - Classic - Char's Day 19

Yeah I'm a little late with my post this morning...

It's been a busy day already... lol

Legs and Back wasn't so bad today. Still getting the slight nausea but no where as bad as it was when I first began this program.

I brought it a little harder this week so I am very proud of that...

and in the famous words of Tony Horton... That recovery drink is MONEY!!!!!

I usually put a bottle of water in the freezer right before I begin my workout and then pour that icy goodness in my water bottle, add the recovery drink mix, and then shake it till I get a good froth on the top... Yummy!

I thinking of these last three weeks as an opportunity for me to see what my body can do... getting a feel for P90X and my abilities within it.

Things I know...
  1. I feel stronger,
  2. My lung capacity had increased,
  3. I feel better about myself.

What better reason than that do I need to keep pressing play?

Well I have a couple of clients that are looking to me for advice, guidance, and clarification. That will help me to bring it hard every time I press play!

Have an awesome Thursday. Today is the last day that I will walk this earth as a 33 year old woman. Tomorrow is my birthday!!!!!!

Make Time For Health Today
Or You Will Make Time For Illness Tomorrow

Charmaine Parrish
Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Better Health Is Possible. Shoot Me An Email To Find Out How.

1 comment:

Bazooka Jeff said...

Happy Birthday Charlene!!

BazookaJeff - Go Team Performance!