Thursday, May 22, 2008


Quite Simply. We diet to lose weight. Usually the motivating factor involves fitting into that perfect outfit... or shocking friends/foes that you haven't seen in a while. There are way too many benefits to taking the time and thinking about what we are putting into our body to not give it a whirl.
  • you may not experience the toll that many serious illnesses can take on an unhealthy body
  • your energy level will increase
  • your immune system will become stronger which will mean fewer illnesses
A few things that I have come to realize:

  • Just because you eat a lot doesn't mean you aren't undernourished. If you aren't getting a varied, balance diet then you are basically still running on empty.
  • A diet will prevent and treat certain chronic conditions. Healthy eating can prevent the risk of developing cancer and heart disease. It helps control diabetes and high blood pressure, and can even reduce symptoms and manage an illness or symptom.
  • Most "off the grid" medica will recommend dietary changes to manage everything from epilepsy to infertility.
My goal this weekend is to come out with a complete 2 week meal plan and grocery list.

Nutrition is something that I currently struggle with... but if I can do Plyometrics... I can do this. I've been reading The Abs Diet books and watching a few videos... I'm ready to take this to the next level...

Come join me...


Make Time For Health Today
Or You Will Make Time For Illness Tomorrow

Charmaine Parrish
Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Better Health Is Possible. Shoot Me An Email To Find Out How.

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